Our service platform is intended to cover the application of mass spectrometric methods to scientific questions within the areas of chemistry, biochemistry/pharmacy, materials science and related areas of research and method development. Currently, 20 spectrometers with different ionization techniques and dedicated chromatographic couplings are available at 4 locations. MS measurements are mainly performed by the MS staff in a service mode. For this purpose, samples have to be delivered together with a measurement order form to the MS department or deposited at designated collection points. Briefed users have access to dedicated spectrometers at which they can run experiments autonomously (e.g. for simple LC-MS or GC-MS reaction product controls). Of course, samples of external research institutes or industrial users ("Commercial Measurements") are accepted likewise at the MS platform. For any questions about pricing as well as for the selection of suitable experiments, please contact the MS staff. For more information see the corresponding menu item.
Platform concept
Image: Dr. Nico UeberschaarThe Institutes of Organic and Macromolecular Chemistry (IOMC) and the Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry (IAAC) have developed a platform concept. At the heart of this concept are jointly financed positions for the heads of the departments and the pooled use of large-scale equipment. This ensures continuity in supervision and compensates for the high fluctuation in doctoral students and postdocs. Furthermore, the platform's knowledge and expertise can be drawn on for complex issues, but also for repairs, and measurements can be outsourced to other devices on the platform, for example. All in all, everyone involved benefits from the operation of a platform, which underlines the sustainability concept of using large-scale instrumentation through this concept.