T. Melzer, T. Wichard, R. Möller, N. Ueberschaar, G. Pohnert, "Automation and miniaturization of solid-phase extraction for high-throughput analysis of cyanotoxins"External link, J. Chrom. A, 2025, 1748, 465828.
S. Zergiebel, N. Ueberschaar, J. Plentz, A. Seeling, "HPLC-UV Monitored Photostability-Test of LE404 and Identification of the Degradation Products via NMR and LC-HRMS"External link, Chromatographia 2024, 87(5), 339-49.
A. Zenner, J. Steinmetzer, N. Ueberschaar, M. Freesmeyer, W. Weigand, J. Greiser, "The synthesis of N,1,4-tri(alkoxy-hydroxybenzyl)-1,4-diazepane-amines: investigations on reaction characteristics and mechanism"External link, R. Soc. Open Sci. 2024, 11(7).
I. A. Volodin, K. Wulf, F. Tzschoeckell, S. Stumpf, S. Hoeppener, N. Fritz, C. F. Morales-Reyes, T. Wichard, N. Ueberschaar, C. Stolze, M. D. Hager, U. S. Schubert, "Evaluation of External linkin situ thermal stability assessment for flow batteries and deeper investigation of the ferrocene co-polymer"External link, J. Mat. Chem. A, 2024, 12(8), 4806-25.
S. Zergiebel, N. Ueberschaar, A. Seeling, "Development and optimization of an ultra-fast microextraction followed by HPLC-UV of tetracycline residues in milk products"External link, Food Chem. 2023, 402, 134270.
J. F. M. Otto, C. Kiel, J. C. Nejstgaard, G. Pohnert, S. A. Berger, N. Ueberschaar, "Tracking a broad inventory of cyanotoxins and related secondary metabolites using UHPLC-HRMS"External link, J. Hazard. Mat. Adv. 2023, 12, 100370.
C. S. Lazar, V. F. Schwab, N. Ueberschaar, G. Pohnert, S. Trumbore, K. Küsel, "Microbial degradation and assimilation of veratric acid in oxic and anoxic groundwaters"External link, Front. Microbiol. 2023, 14.
Y. Utievskyi, C. Neumann, J. Sindlinger, K. Schutjajew, M. Oschatz, A. Turchanin, N. Ueberschaar, F. H. Schacher, "Polyoxometalate-Modified Amphiphilic Polystyrene-External linkblock-poly(2-(dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate) Membranes for Heterogeneous Glucose to Formic Acid Methyl Ester Oxidation"External link, Nanomaterials 2023, 13(18).
S. A. Krasnokutski, K. J. Chuang, C. Jäger, N. Ueberschaar, T. Henning, "A pathway to peptides in space through the condensation of atomic carbon"External link, Nat. Astron. 2022, 6, 381–386.
C. Zerfaß, R. Lehmann, N. Ueberschaar, C. Sanchez-Arcos, K. U. Totsche, G. Pohnert, "Groundwater metabolome responds to recharge in fractured sedimentary strata"External link, Water Research, 2022, 223, 118998.
M. Murillo-Roos, H. S. M. Abdullah, M. Debbar, N. Ueberschaar, M. T. Agler, "Cross-feeding niches among commensal leaf bacteria are shaped by the interaction of strain-level diversity and resource availability"External link, ISME J. 2022.
C. Sanchez-Arcos, N. Ueberschaar, G. Pohnert, "Aquifer system and depth specific chemical patterns in fractured-rock groundwater from the Critical Zone revealed by untargeted LC-MS-based metabolomics"External link, Water Res. 2022, 219, 118566.
M. Harpke, S. Pietschmann, N. Ueberschaar, T. Krüger, O. Kniemeyer, A. A. Brakhage, S. Nietzsche, E. Kothe, "Salt and Metal Tolerance Involves Formation of Guttation Droplets in Species of the Aspergillus versicolor Complex"External link, Genes 2022, 13(9), 1631.
M.-C. Barth, S. Lange, N. Häfner, N. Ueberschaar, H. Görls, I. B. Runnebaum, W. Weigand, "Synthesis and characterization of thiocarbonato-linked platinum(iv) complexes"External link, Dalton T. 2022, 51, 5567-5576.
O. Abdulsalam, N. Ueberschaar, K. Krause, E. Kothe, "Geosmin synthase ges1 knock-down by siRNA in the dikaryotic fungus Tricholoma vaccinum"External link, J. Basic Microbiol. 2022, 62(2), 109-15.
E. Garbe, P. Miramón, F. Gerwien, N. Ueberschaar, L. Hansske-Braun, P. Brandt, B. Böttcher, M. Lorenz, S. Vylkova, "GNP2 Encodes a High-Specificity Proline Permease in Candida albicans"External link, mBio 2022, 13(1), e0314221.
O. Nolte, P. Rohland, N. Ueberschaar, M. D. Hager, U. S. Schubert, "Stability of TMA-TEMPO-based aqueous electrolytes for redox-flow batteries"External link, J. Power Sources 2022, 525, 230996.
S. Jarzynka, R. Spott, T. Tchatchiashvili, N. Ueberschaar, M. G. Martinet, K. Strom, T. Kryczka, A. Wesołowska, M. W. Pletz, G. Olędzka, O. Makarewicz, "Human Milk Oligosaccharides Exhibit Biofilm Eradication Activity Against Matured Biofilms Formed by Different Pathogen Species"External link, Front. Microbiol. 2021, 12, 794441.
Kohler, P. Rinke, K. Fiederling, H. Görls, N. Ueberschaar, F. H. Schacher, R. Kretschmer, "Catalytic Activity of Various beta-Diketiminate Zinc Complexes toward the Ring-Opening Polymerization of Caprolactone and Derivatives"External link, Macromol. Chem. Phys. 2021, 222 (18).
F. Stock, E. Cirri, S. Nuwanthi, W. Stock, N. Ueberschaar, S. Mangelinckx, G. Pohnert, W. Vyverman, "Sampling, separation, and quantification of N-acyl homoserine lactones from marine intertidal sediments"External link, Limnol. Oceanogr.-Meth. 2021.
N. Ueberschaar, K. Lehmann, S. Meyer, C. Zerfass, B. Michalzik, K. U. Totsche, G. Pohnert, "Soil Solution Analysis With Untargeted GC–MS—A Case Study With Different Lysimeter Types"External link, Front. Earth Sci. 2021, 8(686).
T. Vockenberg, T. Wichard, N. Ueberschaar, M. Franke, M. Stelter, P. Braeutigam "The sorption behaviour of amine micropollutants on polyethylene microplastics - impact of aging and interactions with green seaweed"External link Environ. Sci.-Proc. Imp. 2020, 22 (8), 1678-1687.
R. E. Cooper, C.-E. Wegner, S. Kügler, R. X. Poulin, N.Ueberschaar, J. D. Wurlitzer, D. Stettin, T. Wichard, G. Pohnert, K. Küsel, "Iron is not everything: unexpected complex metabolic responses between iron-cycling microorganisms"External link ISME J., 2020.
B. E. Fener, P. Schüler, N. Ueberschaar, P. Bellstedt, H. Görls, S. Krieck, M. Westerhausen, "Scope and Limitations of the s-Block Metal-Mediated Pudovik Reaction"External link Chem. Eur. J. 2020, 26 (32), 7235-7243.
J. Kirtzel, N. Ueberschaar, T. Deckert-Gaudig, K. Krause, V. Deckert, G. M. Gadd, E. Kothe, "Organic acids, siderophores, enzymes and mechanical pressure for black slate bioweathering with the basidiomycete Schizophyllum commune"External link, Environ. Microbiol. 2020, 22(4), 1535-46.
T. U. H. Baumeister, N. Ueberschaar, G. Pohnert, "Gas-Phase Chemistry in the GC Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer"External link J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 2019, 30 (4) 573-580.
D. Bandelli, J. Alex, C. Helbing, N. Ueberschaar, H. Görls, P. Bellstedt, C. Weber, K. D. Jandt, U. S. Schubert, "Poly(3-ethylglycolide): a well-defined polyester matching the hydrophilic hydrophobic balance of PLA"External link. Polymer Chem. 2019, 10 (40), 5440-5451.
K. Peters, A. Worrich, A. Weinhold, O. Alka, G. Balcke, C. Birkemeyer, H. Bruelheide, O. Calf, S. Dietz, K. Dührkop, E. Gaquerel, U. Heinig, M. Kücklich, M. Macel, C. Müller, Y. Poeschl, G. Pohnert, C. Ristok, V. Rodríguez, C. Ruttkies, M. Schuman, R. Schweiger, N. Shahaf, C. Steinbeck, M. Tortosa, H. Treutler, N. Ueberschaar, P. Velasco, B. Weiß, A. Widdig, S. Neumann, N. Dam, "Current Challenges in Plant Eco-Metabolomics"External link Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2018, 19 (5), 1385.
S. Gama, M. Frontauria, N. Ueberschaar, G. Brancato, D. Milea, S. Sammartano, W. Plass, "Thermodynamic Study on 8-Hydroxyquinoline-2-carboxylic Acid as a Chelating Agent for Iron found in the Gut of Noctuid larvae"External link New J.Chem. 2018 accepted.
C. Lembke, D. Stettin, F. Speck, N. Ueberschaar, S. D. Decker, W. Vyverman, G. Pohnert, "Attraction Pheromone of The Benthic Diatom External linkSeminavis robusta: Studies on Structure-Activity Relationships"External link J. Chem. Ecol. 2018, 44 (4), 354-363.
T. U. H. Baumeister, N. Ueberschaar, W. Schmidt-Heck, J. F. Mohr, M. Deicke, T. Wichard, R. Guthke, G. Pohnert, "DeltaMS: a Tool to Track Isotopologues in GC- and LC-MS Data"External link Metabolomics 2018, 14, 41.
J. F. Mori, N. Ueberschaar, S. Lu, R. E. Cooper, G. Pohnert, K. Küsel, Sticking Together: Inter-Species Aggregation of Bacteria Isolated from Iron Snow is Controlled by Chemical SignalingExternal link, ISME J. 2017, 11, 1075-1086.
A. Domenech-Carbo, G. Cebrian-Torreon, N. Montoya, N. Ueberschaar, M. T. Scotti, Z. Benfodda, C. Hertweck, "Electrochemical Monitoring of ROS Generation by Anticancer Agents: the Case of Chartreusin"External link, Rsc Adv., 2017, 7(71), 45200-45210.
C. Kuhlisch, M. Deicke, N. Ueberschaar, T. Wichard, G. Pohnert, A Fast and Direct Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Method to Detect and Quantify Polyunsaturated Aldehydes and Polar Oxylipins in DiatomsExternal link, Limnology and Oceanography Methods 2017, 15, 70-79.
S. Ding, V. F. Schwab, N. Ueberschaar, V. N. Roth, M. Lange, Y. Xu, G. Gleixner, G. Pohnert, Identification of Novel 7-Methyl Branched Glycerol Dialkyl Glycerol Tetraethers in Lake SedimentsExternal link, Org. Geochem. 2016, 102, 52-58.
N. Ueberschaar, F. Meyer, H. M. Dahse, C. Hertweck, "Bipiperidine Conjugates as Soluble Sugar Surrogates in DNA-Intercalating Antiproliferative Polyketides"External link, Chem. Commun. 2016, 52, 4894-4897.
N. Ueberschaar, D. Heine, C. Hertweck, Zinc(II)-Assisted Aryl-Finkelstein-Reaction for the Synthesis of Aryl IodidesExternal link, Synlett 2016, 27, 1794-1797.
F. Meyer, N. Ueberschaar, C. Hertweck, "Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Hydrazidomycin Analogues"External link, Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 2013, 23, 6043-6045.
N. Ueberschaar, Z. Xu,K. Scherlach, M. Metsä-Ketelä, T. Bretschneider,H.-M. Dahse,C. Hertweck, Synthetic Remodeling of the Chartreusin Pathway to Fine-tune Antiproliferative and Antibacterial ActivitiesExternal link, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 17408-17416.
F. Meyer, N. Ueberschaar, C. Hertweck, "Concise Total Synthesis of Hydrazidomycin A, a Rare Hydrazide Metabolite of Streptomyces atratus"External link, Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2013, 4242-4244.
N. Ueberschaar, H.-M. Dahse, T. Bretschneider, C. Hertweck, "Rational Design of an Apoptosis-Inducing Photoreactive DNA Intercalator"External link, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 6185-6189.
B. Busch, N. Ueberschaar, S. Behnken, Y. Sugimoto, M. Werneburg, N. Traitcheva, J. He, C. Hertweck, "Multifactorial Control of Iteration Events in a Modular Polyketide Assembly Line"External link, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 5285-5289.
F. Hennicke, M. Grumbt, U. Lermann, N. Ueberschaar, K. Palige, B. Bottcher, I. D. Jacobsen, C. Staib, J. Morschhauser, M. Monod, B. Hube, C. Hertweck, P. Staib, "Factors Supporting Cysteine Tolerance and Sulfite Production in Candida albicans"External link, Eukaryot. Cell 2013, 12, 604-613.
B. Busch, N. Ueberschaar, Y. Sugimoto, C. Hertweck, "Interchenar Retrotransfer of Aureothin Intermediates in an Iterative Polyketide Synthase Module"External link, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134, 12382-12385.
F. Hennicke, M. Grumbt, U. Lermann, N. Ueberschaar, K. Palige, B. Bottcher, I. Jacobsen, C. Staib, J. Morschhauser, M. Monod, B. Hube, C. Hertweck, P. Staib, "Molecular basis of a circuit of cysteine tolerance and sulfite production in Candida albicans"External link, Mycoses 2012, 55, 63-63.
M. Westerhausen, R. Kränzle, S. Krieck, N. Ueberschaar, in Yttrium: Compounds, Production and ApplicationsExternal link (Ed.: B. D. Volkerts), 2011, pp. 221-232.
N. Ueberschaar, B. L. S. T. Ndejouong, L. Ding, A. Maier, H.-H. Fiebig, C. Hertweck, "Hydrazidomycins, Cytotoxic Alkylhydrazides from External linkStreptomyces atratus", Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 2011, 21, 5839-5841.
J. F. M. Otto, A. Busch, M. Bauer, G. Pohnert, N. Ueberschaar, "Mass Spectrometry-Based DNA Methylome Analysis", ASMS, Anaheim CA, USA, 06-2024.
J. F. M. Otto, C. Kiel, J. C. Nejstgaard, G. Pohnert, S. A. Berger, N. Ueberschaar, "Tracking a broad inventory of cyanotoxins and related secondary metabolites using UHPLC-HRMS" ,DGMS, Freising, Germany, 03-2024.
T. Baumeister, N. Ueberschaar, G. Pohnert, "Gas Phase Chemistry in the GC Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer", DGMS, Münster, Germany, 03-2020.
N. Ueberschaar, "Die Verwendung der Q Exactive GC in einem Grundlagen Labor" Thermo Fisher Scientific User Meeting, Leipzig, Germany 03-2018.
N. Ueberschaar, "New Possibilities in (Eco) Metabolomics using Compound Discoverer 2.1" Thermo Fisher Scientific Compound Discoverer User Meeting, Bremen, Germany 12-2017.
N. Ueberschaar, F. Meyer, H. M. Dahse, C. Hertweck, "Bipiperidine conjugates as soluble sugar surrogates in DNA-intercalating antiproliferative polyketides" Leibniz Meeting on Bioactive Compounds, Jena, Germany, 04-2016.
N. Ueberschaar, V.-N. Roth, V. Schwab-Lavric, G. Gleixner, G. Pohnert, The Earths Critical Zone: Understanding the Subsurface Hydro-Geo-Chemistry Using Metabolomic Profiling, Trends in Metabolomics - Analytics and Applications, Frankfurt a.M., Germany, 06-2014.
N. Ueberschaar, "Chemo-Bio Synthesis of Chartreusin Analogues", 42. Doktorandenworkshop Naturstoffe: Chemie, Biologie und Ökologie, Bayreuth, Germany, 10-2011.
S. V. Wentzke, J. F. M. Otto, A. Busch, M. Bauer, G. Pohnert, N. Ueberschaar, "Unusual Epigenetic DNA Modifications: Elucidation, Synthesis and Annotation using UHPLC-HRMS",DGMS, Freising, Germany, 03-2024.
J. F. M. Otto, A. Busch, M. Bauer, G. Pohnert, N. Ueberschaar, "Mass Spectrometry-Based DNA Methylome Analysis", Anakon, Wien, Österreich, 04-2023.
J. F. M. Otto, C. Kiel, J. C. Nejstgaard, G. Pohnert, S. A. Berger, N. Ueberschaar, "Tracking a broad inventory of cyanotoxins and related secondary metabolites using UHPLC-HRMS" ,Anakon, Wien, Österreich, 04-2023.
T. Baumeister, N. Ueberschaar, W. Schmidt-Heck, J.-F. Mohr, M. Deicke, T. Wichard, R. Guthke, G. Pohnert, "DeltaMS - A Convenient tool to track isotopologues in GC/LC MS data", DGMS, Münster, Germany, 03-2020.
T. Baumeister, N. Ueberschaar, G. Pohnert, "Gas Phase Chemistry in the GC Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer", Anakon, Münster, Germany, 03-2019.
T. Baumeister, N. Ueberschaar, W. Schmidt-Heck, J.-F. Mohr, M. Deicke, T. Wichard, R. Guthke, G. Pohnert, "DeltaMS - A Convenient tool to track isotopologues in GC/LC MS data", ASMS, Indianapolis, IN, US, 06-2016.
N. Ueberschaar, K. Lehmann, A. Schmalwasser, S. Meyer, B. Michalzik, K. U. Totsche, G. Pohnert, "Evaluation and application of lysimeters for untargeted soil solution analytics and marker identification", ASMS, Indianapolis, IN, US, 06-2016.
N. Ueberschaar, V.-N. Roth, V. Schwab-Lavric, G. Gleixner, G. Pohnert, The Earths Critical Zone: Understanding the Subsurface Hydro-Geo-Chemistry Using Metabolomic Profiling, ANAKON, Graz, Austria, 2015.
J. Mori, N. Ueberschaar, S. Lu, G. Pohnert, K. Küsel, Chemical Communication between Bacteria Isolated from Iron-rich Lake Aggregates (Iron Snow), 5th MICOM, Jena, 04-2015.
Mori, N. Ueberschaar, S. Lu, G. Pohnert, K. Küsel, Chemical Communication between Bacteria Isolated from Iron-rich Lake Aggregates (Iron Snow), Gordon Research Conference: "Microbes that Influence, Sustain and Protect Our Planet", South Hadley, MA, US, 2015.
N. Ueberschaar, C. Lazar, V. Schwab, K. Küsel, G. Pohnert, "Understanding Chemotrophy of Bacteria in the Earths Critical Zone with Metabolomics Tools and Stable Isotope Labeling", European Conference on Natural Products, Frankfurt a.M., Germany, 09-2015.
T. Baumeister, N. Ueberschaar, L. Straub, G. Pohnert, "Assigning natural bacterial metabolites to their producers in groundwater", European Conference on Natural Products, Frankfurt a.M., Germany, 09-2015.
N. Ueberschaar, V.-N. Roth, V. Schwab-Lavric, G. Gleixner, G. Pohnert, The Earths Critical Zone: Understanding the Subsurface Hydro-Geo-Chemistry Using Metabolomic Profiling, ORCHEM 2014, Weimar, Germany, 09-2014.
N. Ueberschaar, "Rational Design of an Apoptosis-Inducing Photoreactive DNA Intercalator", 1st European Conference of Natural Products, Frankfurt a.M., Germany, 09-2013.
N. Ueberschaar, "Rational Design of an Apoptosis-Inducing Photoreactive DNA Intercalator", VAAM Meting, Frankfurt a.M. , 09-2013 (including poster price)